Red Rock Canyon State ParkAs you are driving down Route 14 about 2 hours from Los Angeles, you come across Red Rock Canyon State Park. There are incredibly beautiful red rock walls on both sides of the road. A simple "must stop and have a look around site". You won't regret it! The park was established in 1968. It is on the western edge of the El Paso Mountain range and was on the Native American trade routes for thousands of years. It has also been used by survivors of the famous Death Valley trek in the 1850's, prospecting in the 1860's, gold mining in the 1890's and for many other things. Today, Red Rock Canyon has been the location of many movies, videos, and commercials. The canyon also boasts a primitive campground at the base of Whitehouse Cliffs. Whatever amenities the campground is missing are more than made up for the location as you camp right at the base of the cliffs. Whitehouse Cliffs, Campground and Visitor Center side of the Park:
Red Cliffs Side of Park: